foot sensing keyboard
こびとがピアノの鍵盤の上を走り回る、ファンタジー映画のワンシーンのような空間を現実に作ってみたい。そんなアイデアから生まれたのが、foot sensing keyboardです。
I wanted to create a space like something out of a fantasy movie. Imagine an elf running over piano keys! The Foot Sensing Keyboard sprung from this idea.
It consists of large lighted keys and an even larger illuminated canvas. Freely stepping on the keys generates images on the LED canvas synchronized with the sound.
A variety of graphics and sounds are generated according to the movement of the player. The system detects the movement and position of the feet through sensors and generates an output of coordinated sounds, lights, and images to all LED displays.
The system lends itself to virtually any concept.
A typewriter version is available in addition to the piano version.